OK, first of all i malas type so i will just do summary =p
13th November
Last day of exam. Heck yeah!!! Went to nessa's to sleepover so i could go concert with her the next day =)
Brian Lee and Samuel Koay were there. Awesome =)
14th November
It was awesome!!! Walking around in the rain, bumper cars, music, etc. xp
Nessa was awesome!!! Especially when she sang the evanescence song. HEEEEeeeeee~~ =p
15th November
My birthday had its unexpected moments like when i received two turtles ( michael angelo and michael angela ) from my classmates =.= ALL THE PERFORMERS!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!
And i dearly hope my singing wasnt ear-piercing =p
16th November
Happy Birthday to Cassandra Lim!