Wednesday, December 31, 2008


JabbaWockeeZ is a diverse male dance crew, established in 2003, created by Joe Larot, Kevin Brewer, and Phil Tayag.

The group gained fame by appearing on America's Got Talent before winning the MTV hip hop dance reality series America's Best Dance Crew on March 27, 2008. The crew has won $100,000 and a touring contract after being crowned as America's Best Dance Crew in season one. The crew is known for wearing plain white masks and gloves and performing synchronized dance moves. Their name is derived from the Lewis Carroll poem Jabberwocky (featured in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

Originally the group that was going to compete on America's Best Dance Crew had seven members, including the late Gary Kendell. Unfortunately, Kendell passed away shortly before the group's start on the show America's Best Dance Crew due to pneumonia. The six JabbaWockeeZ members on the show told the judges during the Live Auditions Special that Gary was the "Yoda" of their crew and that they were doing the show for him. They have stated, "As a tribute to him we point our fingers in the air after each performance."

They are the dance crew that took America by storm. The Jabbawockeez are not only friends but think of each other as brothers as well. They remain down to earth and do not let fame get to them. They have even earned respect from fans such as the cheerleader from HEROES, Hayden Panettiere and many more =)

You wanna know how incredible they are? Well then, you can watch one of their videos on youtube. Here's a few right here...

Hope you liked the videos and pictures =)


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Jessica Cox

Her name is probably unknown to most of you but i want her name and achievements to be heard!

Jessica Cox suffered a rare birth defect and was born without any arms. None of the prenatal tests her mother took showed there was anything wrong with her. And yet she was born with this rare congenital disease, but also with a great spirit.

The psychology graduate can write, type, drive a car, brush her hair and talk on her phone simply using her feet.
Ms Cox, from Tuscon, Arizona, USA, is also a former dancer and double black belt in Taekwondo.
She has a no-restrictions driving license, she flies planes and she can type 25 words a minute.

The plane she is flying is called an Ercoupe and it is one of the few airplanes to be made and certified without pedals. Without rudder pedals Jessica is free to use her feet as hands. She took three years instead of the usual six months to complete her lightweight aircraft licence, had three flying instructors and practiced 89 hours of flying.

Here are some amazing pictures =)

I was watching tv when i saw this..

Humans are amazing, aren't they? I find this woman inspirational. Really shows that just because you don't have everything doesn't mean you can't have everything ( i.e your hopes and dreams )




Rejection is a sad feeling or experience we should not feel. Yet, i know how it felt once..

I never for once tho thought it would come to me rejecting someone( whom i'd rather not say out of respect ) who would say words/sentences such as these:

" I love you! "
"But, I love only you!"
"I am so in love with you!"
"I was crushed from my previous relationship and i don't know how to love anymore till i saw you"

I will stop here because then i'd be talking bout personal things too much.

It hurts when i know i can't accept his proposals to being his girlfriend or being a couple with him.
Worse when he begged, i felt total guilt running thru my veins. It was horrible.

In the end when he finally gave up, he just said "haiz, bye" He signed off msn right after that before i could reply.
I was hoping we could still be friends but i don't think that's gonna happen. Sadly...

Because Vanessa was sleeping already and Ervin wasn't, i told him. He was online using his phone but when he heard a lil bit of info, he said going to the computer is worth it. Lol
So, he became a very good listener. Haha..eventho its like 2am!? Hhahaha... ( shocked anyone? =p )

So, that's pretty much what i gotta say.


Thursday, December 25, 2008


Friends Myspace Comments

Christmas Myspace Comments

Friends Myspace Comments

Christmas Myspace Comments

Friends Myspace Comments

Christmas Myspace Comments


Friends Myspace Comments

Christmas Myspace Comments

Friends Myspace Comments

Christmas Myspace Comments

Friends Myspace Comments

Christmas Myspace Comments

Friends Myspace Comments

Christmas Myspace Comments

Friends Myspace Comments

Christmas Myspace Comments

Was bored but i'll stop here before i overdo it. Or maybe i already have XP


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all! XD

I would of course like to be thankful for everything i have in life. I have shared many great moments with the people i care about. I love all my friends, my class family ( the 4Es or i should i say, elephants? Cuz we stomp the competition yo! XD ) and of course, the most near and dear to my heart, my best friends. You guys are the best!

To Vanessa: You're the greatest! XD I know this year has been tough and a real challenge but know this, as your best friend i
will always be there for you through the worst of times. And, i hope i never let you down this year and for the
coming years =)

To: Cassandra: We've only been best friends this year but i have known you since primary and i gotta say I love you beb. You
are one the best people i have ever known and i am so lucky to have you!

You guys have no idea how special you are to me or maybe you do. I don't know =p

Lastly a poem dedicated to my best friends who have always been there for me:

Best Friends

Truly what would be life without them,
Without someone to share my moments with.
How scary it would be,
Without someone to hold my hand through times of fright.
Knowing i would be lost,
Without them keeping me from straying afar.

I love you guyz! =)


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


A parody of Miley Cyrus- 7 things. Bwahahaahaha... XD

Again! With Britney Spears- Womanizer. LOLZ!

I'm Really White Yo - Obama (Chipmunk Version)

Hope that made you guyz laugh! Because i did! XD



America's Next top model Cycle 11 was truly an exciting one. The person i had been rooting for to win actually won!

She deserves it! She has a great body, tall, ravishing beauty and overall great personality!

Here she is!

Mckey Sullivan

Just look how happy she is! Shows that a tomboy can model =)

Here's a video of when she won XD

I find it abit funny. Don't you? =p

Oh! And aren't my sisters all HAWT!? Hahaha...they're so gonna kill me for this XP


Monday, December 22, 2008


Short story: On the 21st, went to caroline's house for a chritmas party till 1am( supposed to be till 10 30pm XD ). It was fun! Met new people, ate alot, played games, exchange gifts, sang carols, etc.

Hmm..what else do i post about. I think i'll talk bout anime.
It is a beautiful art which takes years of skill. Sadly, my skill still needs help. You be the judge okay? Not judge as in having a panel and everything. Well, you get it right? =)

I'm thinking of doing a flashback now. I think i will ! XD
I will use one pic for each event. I'm pretty lazy so yea...=p

*Events not in order and all were taken in 2008 except one

The michelle pose in class! 4E <3

The day we went to ICC

Kem Qiadah IV ( Not a flattering moment XP )

A so-called normal day in class?

After mid-year party =D

Form 4 class performance on stage. Which we won third! Yes, surprising but true. Haha..

(PO the panda!) Michelle's birthday

At Muara beach for YDM's beach trip. Me and caroline =)

Winning the basketball interhouse 2008! Go Hulubalang!
( Seated with our opponent on that day, Pahlawan )

Youth Camp 2008! Try to find me if you can! XD

In HK with Vanessa, my bestie! And her family of course! The most memorable trip of my life! *In 2007

Oh! And of course my sweet 16 <3
Thnx for putting cream on my face that day guys!*Sense sarcasm*
Hope all the bowling and karaoke was fun =p

There are many other events. I probably didn't remember all and i don't have pictures from each and every event. Gomenasai!

Time flies so fast. It is a truly great year!

Till next time,


Friday, December 19, 2008

A tribute down memory lane

It's certainly been a blessed year. Being a member of MA4E was like an unbreakable bond despite the ups and downs we all went through.

Here's to us! All 23 of us! The most dysfunctional class/family there is! =)

To all those times we literally cracked up in class whether it be pressure, anger or just going crazy. No one can take those memories away from us.

We always managed to make even the most strict of teachers laugh at our random and lame jokes. I still remember the times i was slapped softly on the head when i was being too LAME. Hahaha.. Despite all the tests, stress and all, we had fun. Thats what school is really about, FUN! =)

The left side of the class consisting of caroline ( O' lame one ), fifah ( Ms.Giggles ) , qeel ( O' Bimbotic Sarcastic one ), reza ( Our own Miss Ling ) , pey yi ( Perfectionist ), Auzee ( You guyz all know what we call her =p ), Siti and I ( your O' wise turtle/grandma/ great grandma )

The middle with Asyraf ( always not shy of showing his talents ), Syami ( the silent but fun person ), Aale, Zul ( Extremely annoying but hilarious ) and Jik ( how can anyone forget you, our personal photographer and funny man ).

The right side of the class with Dina, Belle ( always bubbly ), Rai ( Random Rai ), Sherly ( Ah yes, many a time i have annoyed you for my own amusement but of course the many hits you gave me were punishment enough ), Syaz ( Tiger! Arr... XD ), Muizz, Nabil, Mozi ( Always happy one ), Nazhrah and finally Michelle ( or should i say SIOW MANN ! )

I don't think i missed anyone, did i? =)

I believe i speak for all of us when i say that we all can't wait for every school day as the time we all gather to go high. We've all shared our times of disappointment and passing of lame-ness thanks to you know who. We've listened and advised each other on our problems on what to do.

Events ( that i remember ) :
1. Fifah's birthday in class

2. Caroline's suprise birthday party after school which pey yi had to walk around with cs so we could prepare at our after- school hangout ( teacher's caf )

3. The after -mid-year party with loads of food

4. All those times we ordered Jollibee food XD

5. The skit for EOY form 4 performance which we won third ( surprisingly ) * Thanks to everyone especially our PM, Project Manager, Caroline!!

6. Mini-Olympics which although we didn't win anything, we had the best spirit. Best of all, we kept our heads high and felt like winners which i believe is the best attitude compared to boo-ing.

7. My own birthday of course. Glad most of you made it. Hope it was fun for you guys. Especially since it was the first time any of you had seen me in a dress, let alone a pink strapless dress =p

I miss you guys, the best class i could ever ask for! Sadly, 5 of us ( computer students ) will be parting from our class next year. But of course, we will welcome the eight ( economic students ) into our class with open arms and hope that they survive our extreme lame-ness and all that is 4E! XD


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Out of the blue

I was watching tv today and there were two very different shows on MTV. First music =)

David Cook's new song, Light On is great!! Enjoy =D

Then, there was one that was extremely touching. It was a programme on World AIDs Day. It was Kelly Rowland touring a place in Africa with largest number of people being turned to sex workers. Some of them had and have no choice. So, people out there, YOU can make a difference! =)

Hopefully, one day i will be able to visit them =)