I first entered MD on the 30th of march. For the first week, i still needed a map to get used to the school :P
It even felt lonely on the first day. Slowly i started bumping into people i knew who all went "EH!!! Why are you here??"
That always cracked me up xD
I also managed to make new friends through other friends and also friends that with people who just talk to me and vice versa. So i guess, overall, MD is pretty cool yaw :)
I'm in music society club with Michelle Tan as one of my mentors. I'm also in guitar club (no mentor yet since i'm new). And for my third CCA, I'm in basketball club with Blessy because we're in the same house colour :P It's so cool to be able to join as many CCAs as you want as long as the days and times don't clash :P
Since i was transferred to Mr.Singh's math class, the homework load has been CRAZY!! Homework today, hand-in the next school day. Also, he isn't easily satisfied. He says that if you don't get an A for your AS then he won't teach you next year. *eep* He loves to joke around tho. Especially with different languages such as cantonese.
My EAS teacher now is a australian. I was psyched for this subject. Except that i realised she teaches at a superrrrrrrrr slow rate. And i'm a turtle so when i say slow i mean SLOW!!! -.-
My psychology teacher is cool. She is always nice and funny but she WILL NOT tolerate and disciplinary problems. We just learnt about autism :P Oh oh! And Blessy told me she wants to be a psychologist :O And she's taking ASL and not EAS. Sorry qeel, i made a mistake thinking she was taking EAS :P
My English Literature teacher is Mr.Albert Polita. People who have been in MS long enough would know him as well :P
He likes to pick me and use my name for his jokes in class. HAiya~ But he is fun :P
Well, thats all. Bye :)