Friday, November 30, 2007

No comment~

My head is muddled up many mixed emotions right now. It seems that rage makes me like this. I help around the house, with hardly enough rest and yet it is never appreciated *sigh*
Constantly i am being called. There are bickerings and believe it or times there is abuse from my mom. If i do not do as she says or if i stand up to her, she can use anything she gets her hands on. And yet, i cannot hate her. All for one reason and one reason alone. She gave me life. A life i do not regret living as there are many kind souls i have found...many friends..and my loving brothers and sisters. I am the 7th child. If 7 is a lucky number..why is it i feel unlucky at times.

Yesterday, I was in such a rage that I stayed in my oldest brother's room to get away from my mom. She hit me with a metal tin can which hit my elbow. Just because I watched TV while folding clothes. I even shouted" It's not like i'm not doing any work," She replied" Yea..! But i already said no TV!!" What kind of a holiday is this i thought. Was it hell!? Or somthing worse!? In the end, i wound up cleaning my brother's room at my own will. The room was spotless. Everything was sorted out so neatly. For some reason, my rage also slowly drifted away~ So did my mom's. was another crazy furious day.

Nonetheless, I look at everyday as a new day with full optimism. After all, I am going to be sleeping over at Vanessa's house tomorrow. Then, in the afternoon, I would be going to the airport with her and her family to Hong Kong. So...I guess all does chores were worth it because i'm going to be away from home for 5 days! These few days will probably be like heaven to me~



  1. Hope all is well. Remember Chicken Little's little quote: "Today is a new day."

    7 is so not a lucky number. Superstitions (sp?) just muddle up innocent minds. Superstitions pfft. Heh.

    And it's not worth it if you don't love your mother. And technically, your mother didn't really give you life. God did. All babies born in this world must have a way to come into the world. Thus, females. Hehehe... What a privilege to be used by God to bring in more men and women. =p

    And what a way to make the best out of a "depressing" situation... =p

  2. haha...thnx caroline. I hope dat u had a fun trip in Philippines!
