Friday, July 11, 2008


Sigh... back to tests again...

Was supposed to go KK tomorrow till tuesday but i can't

1. Topical test 3 going on
2. Possibly going to Vanessa's house on tuesday
3. My passport needs to be renewed XP

There were lame jokes given in my class yesterday i think...


Someone put red and green bean into a cup.
When that person poured it out,
Why was the red bean on one side and the green on the other?
Ans- There was only one green bean and one red bean!!

Let me tell some of the answers that were given that day,
1. They were jumping beans.
2. Red means south pole so it repelled the green one
3. Traffic lights! RED means stop and GREEN means go!


What do u call a fish in air?
Ans- Ikan because air in malay means water =D

What do u call a fish with wings?
Ans- Aeroplane

Guessed answer was flying fish...

Karen's joke,
This joke will make you go OHHH.......!!!!!!!!! when you get it =)

If an aeroplane is stuck in a cave ,where does it come out?
Ans- The Newspaper


I guess thats it! =)


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