Sunday, February 8, 2009

Part 1

In every high school, there's a clique. Usually. You know those groups of completely different people? Well, i'm not in any of them because i don't want to be named "the villain" like in one of those old high school stories.

I am a teenager with a lot of morals. So i'm pretty much liked by everyone. Like everyone's best friend. I'm supposed to be the perfect friend too. Someone who's willing to be with that person through everything.

However, it has finally come to that time when i start to feel like a hypocrite. I always say to my best pal, Ashley that i will always love her, but now, when i think about it, a feeling of guilt seems to swim right inside me. The reason why is probably because i didn't mean what i said.

Judge me if you will but personally, I don't give a crap. There's another problem. I know my life sounds screwed up but bear me if you will. I have another best friend, Catherine whose character is the total opposite of Ashley's. Oh yeah! There's another thing, they can't stand each others guts! That's why i'm caught in the middle.

I picked Catherine's side over Ashley's but Ashley doesn't know that. Catherine also doesn't know that i still talk to Ashley. see my problem, don't you? Well, i hope you do because i really need help! In this case, i feel like the villain and i abhore it. I just wish things could go back to how it was back then. CAT would live again! Not CAT as in cat but as in Catherine, Ashley and Tanya.

Yes! Tanya is my name. I'm supposed to love it and all but my dad named me after one of his ex-lovers who was his first. That is so weird, right? If you say "That's so cool!" , then you seriously need a complete overhaul on your brain =.=

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