Monday, March 15, 2010

Another EAS assignment

Had to do a magazine article. I found it real tough because it isnt as easy as imaginative writing. But do tell me what you think.

Getting On With Your Parents

It is often perceived by teenagers that parents are like another life-form that they shall never comprehend.

In my opinion, parents are like a puzzle. You need to connect one puzzle piece to another to finally understand what is it that they really want to tell you. Like a puzzle, they also tend to confuse you. But, we must not also forget that many parents dread the day we become teenagers because of all the changes that would occur to us physically and mentally which would; in turn make us the puzzles in their eyes.

If you would like to get on with your parents, ask yourselves, why is it that I do not get on with them? As difficult as it may seem for some of you to dig for that answer, the question is not that complex to answer. An abundance of us tend to be influenced by our peers as. With the rise of other teenagers having girlfriends or boyfriends, most of us would incline towards the green-eyed monster. Do not be peeved with them for forbidding you from having a relationship; for you must understand that your parents are only looking out for you so listen to their advice instead of rebelling against them. Active listening is of the utmost importance when it comes to a good relationship between yourself and your parents.

For what I am about to say, I am sure that many of us are familiar with. It is not food, not trendy clothes, not a tiger as a pet. No. It is money. They say money is the root of all evil. It possibly is…depending on how you look it at it. If you are fortunate enough to collect allowances from your parents, you tend to want to buy things that you ‘believe’ you need. However, we must learn to shop smart. Push aside your wants and think about your needs. As a typical teenager you would think “It’s only a dollar! What’s the big deal?” Avoid such thoughts because your parents worked hard for their salary not to see you spend it like you are drinking water. Parents may seem cheap to you at times but they really just want you to learn the value of a dollar.

The word ‘chores’ is a word that I have become only too familiar with and I am sure many of you have heard as well. “Chores are often a dreaded task that is put upon us to cost us misery and pain.” This sentence is far from the truth. We are teenagers! We have like to have fun, don’t we? Do not look at chores as a dreaded task. You could be dancing to a song while wiping windows or singing aloud while sweeping! These suggestions may seem incredulous; but as long as you get the job done and keep your parents smiling, you will feel rewarded in the end.

Another thing we teenagers should learn is to be considerate to others; especially our parents. After a long, hard day at work, home is our parents’ sanctuary. Do not cause your parents more stress than they could already be having; so keep the noise down. Do not switch on the television or radio on full-blast. You would not like to mess with a tired parent looking for serenity. Trust me! You could always use ear-phones so that you do not intrude on your parent’s ‘quiet time’ or you could get involved in an activity that does not involve noise; like -reading a book or drawing.

Parents have ups and downs in their lives. Don’t make things harder for them than it already is. Try very hard to remember that your parents are human too; just like us.

( 629 words )

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