Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2nd test for EAS in MD

I was kinda sleepy and it was a surprise test so I hope you guys like it. My teacher liked it but i still got a "D". Oh well~ Just gotta improve :) Alright, read on! xD

It was like any other normal evening- or so I thought. Little did I know that I would be a victim, caged like a wild yet silent beast.

In search of someone, anyone. I braved the sea of clothes in my room. There was not much I could use; for a wild beast like myself, as most of my senses failed me. It was difficult to survive the sea of turbulence but i somehow managed with extreme determination. I had to find life. Even in my subconscious, I knew and believed that somewhere in this cage lurked a living person. I may be unfortunately young but I had enough courage and curiosuty to pull me through any obstacle like the brave lion.

"Aaarrggg....! This is taking forever!" I bellowed.

However, perseverance kept me going. As every second on my mickey mouse digital watch passed by annoyingly slow, tension grew and my temper was close to flaring. I truly wondered where that shiny, exuberant gift of mine could be. It felt like hours had already gone by and I still had not discovered the location of what I sought. Alas, over by my dresser, under my cotton-filled princess pillow, a sparkle had caught my eye. Could I have finally landed upon a miracle?

After rushing towards the destination I had programmed in my mind, with ease and excitement, I lifted the pillow slowly. There it was. But, it wasn't what I sought. No. What I was staring at was far worse. It did not bring me joy, instead it brought utter horror. Her eyes which worked harmoniously with its smile mocked me as though it could look right into my soul. Its body remained idle but also remained a threat to my sanity. What was left of my sanity anyways.

My body froze as time seemed to have stood still, there it was laying on the innocent white tiled floor which was stained by its presence. Fear had enveloped me as I realised that the Barbie doll would be the only one accompanying me for this long and dreary night. The agony was impossible to bear.

(349 words)

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