Saturday, July 10, 2010

This feeling I wish I could overcome

Pictures speak louder than words

Why is it that you're the only one I miss like crazy eventhough i've just seen you? I've just seen you yesterday but I want to see you everyday. I wish I could. I wish every moment would just last forever. I wish father time would always be on my side when i'm sitting with you. I wish you would stop making me miss you so :(

I sound emo and cheesy now but thats who i am. Live with it ben dan :P *warning* I can be the jealous type and i don't like sharing. That applies to food as well :P Unless i'm in a really good and generous mood. Hehe~

I've opened my heart again after so long so don't let me close it again Po! xD

When I look at you then I remember "Oh yeah, that's why" and i let out a huge turtle-ish smile. Because a moment with you reminds me of how much love there is in the world (:



  1. WoW! Joyous you have no idea that is what I feel for someone I have in my life too. Love the post. Thank u.

  2. no problem (: thanks for reading ^^
